Latest SEO Trends For The Year 2013

seoInternet marketing professionals need to stay updated with the latest developments in the field of SEO. They can include the latest SEO techniques to develop better SEO strategies for clients. Business owners look for an improved rate of conversion by researching and implementing a strong SEO strategy.

The field of SEO continues to see many developments which influence the SEO strategy of businesses and established companies. SEO professionals need to analyze the impact of the updates released by search engines and develop effective methods to remain successful. A leading Houston SEO consultant throws light on the latest SEO trends for the year 2013.


Authorship of content will play a significant factor in improving the value of content posted on blogs and count as relevant and authoritative content. Content shared by an authoritative person who is easily recognizable will improve the search engine rankings of the post. The aim of the search engines is to provide relevant content from a reliable source such as an expert or author on the subject. Search engines will also give weightage to authors who continue to share engaging content on a regular basis. Businesses and companies should avoid using pen names and specify the name of the author, along with an image of the person, if possible.

Focus On Building Credible Links

A leading Houston SEO firm points out the importance of building credible links from reliable sources, rather than engaging in black hat SEO tactics to secure links. SEO professionals should try to secure organic links from verifiable sources, like customers, instead of buying links from other websites. Leading search engines like Google will penalize those business owners who engage in link exchange, link pharming or link networks. SEO professionals should aim to create a good user experience for visitors on the website to encourage them to link to the website.

Focus On Optimizing A Keyword Theme

Gone were the days when keyword research was conducted to identify particular keywords based on their search volume. Today, this strategy will not be as effective due to the sheer number of competing websites. SEO professionals are advised to optimize pages around a chosen keyword theme. They also need to generate relevant, useful content for the particular keyword theme and build authorship for that content through links. The content should be posted at frequent intervals and have call to action buttons to encourage visitors to share the content.

Engage With Audiences Through Social Media

SEO professionals should be aware of the relevance of social media in improving the ranking of websites. The engagement on social media websites should be guided by specific trending keywords. The idea is to share useful information with social media users and to inspire them to share content with their circle of contacts.

SEO professionals need to be aware of the latest developments in the field of SEO to employ these in their strategies for their clients. This article throws light on the latest SEO trends for the year 2013.

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